President Biden calls Republicans ‘fiscally demented’ during MLK Day speech, amid docs scandal, inflation
President Joe Biden said Republicans are “fiscally demented” while speaking at a Martin Luther King Day event Monday, amid GOP calls for more transparency regarding the president’s mishandling of classified…
Germany’s defense minister resigns amid criticism over handling of Ukraine war
close Video Germany is ‘fully decoupling’ from Russia, eyes China as ‘systemic’ rival: German minister of state Tobias Lindner, Minister of State, Germany, tells Fox News Digital that the country…
UK town to switch off streetlights after midnight to save energy despite crime concerns, hike taxes: report
close Video Is a recession necessary to recover from inflation? The Bahnsen Group founder David Bahnsen forecasts what America’s economy could look like in 2023 on ‘Sunday Night in America.’…
Drive-by shooter empties shotgun at British funeral mourners; girls, 7 and 12, among six wounded
close Video Metropolitan Police secure the scene after a drive by shooting wounded two children and four adults Metropolitan Police secure the scene after a drive by shooting wounded two…
More People Need to Watch This Moving Netflix Mystery Thriller
Adriana Ugarte stars as Vera Roy. Warner Bros. Pictures Espana/YouTube screenshot No matter what you say about Netflix, there’s one thing it can still claim over its rivals: an incredibly rich…
More People Need to Watch The Best Sci-Fi Show on Prime Video
Bobbie Draper. My queen. Amazon Studios I’m about to gush about The Expanse on Prime Video. Before I do that, here’s some that is extremely not that great about The Expanse. The acting…
Toxic Toilet Paper Chemical Found in Endangered Killer Whales
Killer whales are also known as orcas. The southern resident killer whales, a subset of orcas, are listed as an endangered species in the US and Canada. NOAA Fisheries Southern…
Scientists Divert Lightning Strikes Using a Powerful, Car-Sized Laser
The laser lightning rod projects a green beam into the sky. TRUMPF/Martin Stollberg As NASA battled to get its huge next-generation moon rocket to the launchpad in early 2022, it…
South Africa plans to welcome Chinese, Russian warships off its coast: reports
close Video Russia unleashes attacks on major cities in Ukraine: Alex Hogan Fox News foreign correspondent Alex Hogan has the latest on Russian missiles striking critical Ukrainian infrastructure on ‘Fox…
Florida school sends permission slips to learn Black National Anthem, not Holocaust: reports
An Ocala, Florida parent is outraged after an elementary school sent home a permission slip for students to learn the Black National Anthem, but not other topics like the Holocaust,…