
Astronomers Spot Asteroid Hours Before It Turns Into Fireball Over Europe

The fireball as seen at its brightest above France.  Twitter @MegaLuigi video screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET It may be one…

2 years ago

NASA Spots Mysterious Spokes Moving Along Saturn’s Rings

Hubble's view of Saturn at the start of "spoke season." NASA, ESA and Amy Simon (NASA-GSFC); image processing by Alyssa…

2 years ago

Frog Named for Lord of the Rings Creator Lives in a ‘Universe of Fantasies’

Hyloscirtus tolkieni hanging out in the forest. Juan Carlos Sánchez-Nivicela / Archive Museo de Zoología, Universidad San Francisco de Quito…

2 years ago

No Indication of Aliens With Shot-Down Flying Objects, White House Says

The big Chinese balloon was recorded over Montana. Chase Doak video screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET It's been a wild time…

2 years ago

Blue Origin Works Out How to Turn Moon Dust Into Solar Power

Blue Origin's solar cell prototype is made entirely of materials extracted from lunar regolith simulant. Blue Origin With its Artemis…

2 years ago

Astronomers Spot Asteroid Hours Before Impacting Earth and Turning Into a Fireball

The fireball as seen at its brightest above France.  Twitter/@MegaLuigi / Video screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET It may be one…

2 years ago

Meteoroid expected to safely strike Earth’s atmosphere Sunday evening over France

A small meteorite roughly one meter in length is expected to safely strike Earth's atmosphere over northern France around 10:00…

2 years ago

NASA Spots Surprise Evidence of Ancient Water Ripples on Mars

According to NASA, waves on the surface of a shallow lake stirred up sediment billions of years ago. That sediment…

2 years ago

Scientists Find Fossil of Biggest Penguin Ever, and It Was a Whopper

An artist's reconstruction of Kumimanu fordycei and Petradyptes stonehousei. Simone Giovanardi While searching through the beachy boulders of New Zealand's…

2 years ago

Another Russian Spacecraft Docked to ISS Has Sprung a Leak

Progress 82 arrived at the ISS in late October to deliver food, fuel and supplies. NASA It's happened again. A…

2 years ago