
Watch 4 Exoplanets Dance Around Their Star in Wondrous Video

The faint blobs of light are exoplanets orbiting the star HR 8799. Jason Wang/Northwestern University We've been learning about exoplanets,…

2 years ago

NASA Looks Down at Mars, Spots Bear’s Face Looking Back

A formation on the surface of Mars sure looks like a bear's face looking back up at NASA's Mars Reconnaissance…

2 years ago

NASA Mars Rover Triumphantly Completes First Sample Depot on Another World

NASA's official version of the January 2023 Perseverance selfie shows the rover posing with sample tubes on the ground. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS…

2 years ago

Potentially ‘Alien’ Comet Zooms Toward Close Encounter With the Sun

Comet 96P/Machholz as seen in 2007. NASA A few days after bright green Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) makes its closest…

2 years ago

Odd Camera Problem on NASA Juno Spacecraft Messing With Jupiter Images

NASA's Juno spacecraft used its JunoCam to capture this view of Jupiter's southern hemisphere on Jan. 22 after the camera…

2 years ago

Bright Green Comet Passing Earth Is Visible in Dark Skies Now

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) as observed from Mount Fuji, Japan. Yamazaki Now's the time to start looking for Comet C/2022…

2 years ago

NASA Looks Down at Mars, Sees Adorable Bear’s Face Staring Back

A formation on the surface of Mars sure looks like a bear's face looking back up at NASA's Mars Reconnaissance…

2 years ago

A 3D-Printed Home You Can Recycle

I've seen a lot of 3D-printed houses that are billed as a way to reduce construction waste, but only one…

2 years ago

Watch a Real-Life ‘Terminator’ Robot Turn Into Liquid to Escape a Cage

Robert Patrick as the liquid metal T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Video screenshot by CNET Scientists have created a…

2 years ago

Hubble captures stunning stellar duo in Orion Nebula 1,450 light-years away

The Hubble Space Telescope captured a stunning new image of the bright variable star V 372 Orionis and a companion…

2 years ago